Supernatural Powers and Abilities Wikia
Main article: Invisibility

Invisibility gives users the ability not only to make themselves transparent but also to make them completely inaudible. The effect is extended to anything the user picks up, allowing them to steal small objects with ease.


  • Simon is the only character to have displayed this ability. His power developed by his personality of being shy and others ignoring him. He had this power until he gave it up.


Whenever Simon uses his power, his hands and head shake at superhuman speed, and his mouth opens in pain. He does not actually go invisible, he just stops people from consciously noticing he is there. In Episode 3, he seems to be losing control of his power, as he is seen turning invisible against his will. But in Episode 5, he has a greater proficiency and skill with his power. It seems that Simon's form of invisibility works on people's ability to consciously notice him rather than optics. This is shown when others cannot even hear him whilst he is invisible. The effect apparently has a limited effect on Simon himself as he can't see his reflection while invisible.

When Simon first developed the ability, it was unconsciously triggered whenever he felt isolated and alone, but he, very quickly, developed the skill to turn it on and off at will (although, at first, he was unable to use it while people were watching him). The ease with which he did this also changed - at first, activating the power caused his body to vibrate painfully, causing him to fall to the floor. By Episode 6, however, he was able to go invisible smoothly while walking.

Simon gave up his invisibility to Seth, and it is unknown what happened to it after that, but it is sold before Simon tried to get it back.

An invisibility user who takes ecstasy will find their powers inverting into desirability.
